Check out my newly-added shopcast below my "about me" section. If you're interested in what beloved consumer items are wasting my money and inspiring Second Coming right now, look no further. And while you're at it, don't forget to check out the shoutout my picks recieved on fashion-blogger extraordinaire Kristopher Duke's latest blog...
Also, there will be no new auctions for a while as i'm leaving for Europe in one week, for two weeks. But stay tuned--in December, Second Coming is due to launch the winter collection, which I promise will knock your socks clean off.
*Lastly, please comment below with your email address. I won't publish this information on the site (comments are screened by me and only appear if I publish them), but will add you to Second Coming's mailing list, through which I'll alert everyone to the debut of Second Coming, Winter 2007!!